Recipe Chocolate & Blueberry Pancakes 巧克力藍莓鬆餅
35%濃奶油 125ml, Laura Secord牛奶巧克力 75g(塊狀)
1. 將奶油和巧克力放入鍋中熬煮至巧克力融化(期間請攪拌避免糊鍋),確定充分混合好後自然放涼。
2. 將奶油巧克力混合液放入冰箱中冷卻約1小時。
3. 取出冷卻的奶油巧克力混合液,用打蛋器打發至能拉出小尖勾。
雞蛋2個,台灣維生糖粉100ml、Laura Secord 70%黑巧克力100g (隔水融化)
麵粉1杯、發酵粉1茶匙、牛奶1杯、藍莓½- 1杯
1. 用電動打蛋器打散雞蛋,並分次加入糖粉。
2. 將隔水融化的黑巧克力添加到蛋液中並打發。
3. 準備一個盆,放入麵粉和發酵粉,加入雞蛋巧克力混合物,並逐步加入牛奶,混合均勻。
4. 加入藍莓並輕揉攪伴均勻。
5. 放入鍋中烤出所需大小的巧克力餅皮。
2 eggs
100 ml icing sugar
100 g of Laura Secord 70% dark chocolate, melted
1 cup of flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup of milk
½ to 1 cup of blueberries*
* For double chocolate pancakes, replace the blueberries with Laura Secord chocolate chips!
Chocolate whipped cream:
125 ml of 35 % heavy cream
75 g of Laura Secord milk chocolate, in pieces
Chocolate whipped cream:
- Bring the cream to a boil and add the chocolate pieces. Remove from heat.
- Mix well to obtain a uniform mixture and leave to cool for about 1 hour in the refrigerator.
- Before serving, beat the cream to stiff peaks.
- Beat the eggs with the sugar with an electric mixer.
- Add the melted chocolate to the mixture while continuing to stir vigorously.
- In another bowl, combine the flour and the baking powder. Then pour in a bit of milk each time into the pancake mixture and stir until it just comes together.
- Add the blueberries and stir gently.
- Bake the pancakes in the desired size!